success stories

JACQUES, founder

" I had a very productive and informative session. I want to thank Baebu for providing me with guidance, invaluable insights and encouragement! "

Develop products

Cultivate brand voice

Fundraise for startups

🎉Ntuma Direct, the final MVP for potential investors and collaborators are nearly done!


" Baebu's coach is an amazing designer with the kindest heart!  She has helped me develop my brand so well that it shows through my resumes in such a professional way. A lot of people have taken notice in both my resume and email signature these days, because of how well done they now are. They both look extremely professional as well! So I definitely recommend her service!!"

Created website

Find new

Cultivate brand voice

🎉Launched a professional portfolio to define career path!


" I have been getting new customers consistently after getting branding and marketing help from the coach from Baebu. Thank you so much!"

Set up sales funnels

Develop products

Cultivate brand voice

🎉3K Monthly views on social media!

Dynasty, business owner

"After meeting with the coach in person and discussing our passions and personal goals, we immediately believed in each other’s businesses and I know she could be of great value to me... I was able to meet other entrepreneurs and creatives. It was a great way to hear feedback from multiple perspectives, as well as, meet other people who may add value to your company. I also enjoy the individual meetings because it’s more focused on my business and I am able to organize my thoughts more thoroughly."

Cultivate brand voice

Set up sales funnels  

Write blog posts

🎉Preparing to extend her business Dynasty George into Mexico!


"I am constantly on the lookout and trying to find new opportunities, and I saw the relationship with Baebu as an opportunity to develop. I have joined Co-working and Networking activities, and met several like-minded people. I also got a lot of work done in the Scrum meetings."

Develop products

Find new

Write blog posts

🎉Going to the San Francisco for the onsite interview with Google!

JASMINE, Business owner

"I think we all need help with effective goal-setting. We need this. My saving the world and helping them regain health is tied to Baebu's focusing / get sh*t done skills. We are all in this together 🔥"

Develop products

Set up sales funnels

Write blogs and books

🎉Published a self-help book 'How to Work Through'!